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SeaMossya LLC

Wild Crafted Seamoss Gel Grown From The Rock

Regular price $26.99 USD
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Our Wildcrafted sea moss is harvested on the coast of Jamaica. It is an excellent cell food for the body. Offering minerals provides nutrition for the cells and removing mucus from the body which causes sickness and disease. It has been used in Jamaica for hundreds of years in drinks, teas and food. The locals use it to replenish their bodies with minerals and to repair bodily injuries. The benefit of Sea Moss has now spread around the world. The demand is high and where there is demand. Industries will take shortcuts to get you a product. At Seamossya,LLC we take pride in only sourcing wild crafted seamoss from our trusted divers. We seek to bring you the highest quality seamoss and herbs we can find!

Research has shown Seamoss to:

* Contain and abundance of minerals your body is made of
*Aid with diabetes
*Aid with joint support
*Aid with dissolving phlegm in the mucus membrane
*Aid with repairing teeth, hair and nails
* Supports heart health
*Improves metabolism
*Improves Libido
* Appetite suppressant
* Immune booster

Internal Uses:
Take 1-2 tablespoons straight 3 times daily for optimum results.

Herbal Tea/Tonic/Decoction- and 1 to 2 tablespoons to a cup of tea or juice

Food- Directions: Add a few tablespoons to smoothies, stews, soups, grains, and teas
External Uses:
Face Mask: Rub a desired amount on face or skin, let sit for 20-30 minutes and rinse off

DISCLAIMER We are not doctors, nurses, nor do we have any professional, medical, or culinary certification. The information on our website and social media has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

Consult with your Doctor before consuming if you take blood thinners, are pregnant or nursing to avoid any allergic reactions. If you have any health conditions or concerns, please contact your physician or health care provider.