About Us

Hello and welcome to SeaMossya,LLC
and this is my story...

As with many of you.
The first steps on my wellness journey began with pain.
After a work-related injury suffered in 2008.  Led to subsequent surgeries on both my leg and spine in 2010.
But I was soon to discover the true meaning of the phrase "When it rains...it pours."  When three months after my final spinal procedure.  I was involved in a head-on collision, during which my truck flipped and after which I once again found myself a patient. 
And more importantly...
In severe PAIN!
With my physical diagnoses running the gamut from spinal stenosis and facet syndrome to osteoarthritis. To say that my daily pain experience was horrendous, would have been quite the understatement. With even the strongest of prescription drugs barely able to provide even a modicum of relief, soon becoming chronic.  Leaving me totally unprepared for the resulting depression, which led to recurrent PTSD. As trauma from my childhood turned my already fragile psyche into a literal minefield. That I silently struggled to navigate.

It was at this lowest point in my life.  Having tried everything that traditional medicine could offer. With dismal results as well as my weight having ballooned to 387lbs. My brother introduced me to the work and research of the renowned herbalist, Dr. Sebi.
Which in turn led to my discovery of the healing properties of seamoss and it's remarkable benefits to joint health.
As well as increasing my knowledge of an ever-increasing range of health enhancing herbs and teas.

It was after learning firsthand, the benefits of sea moss and a healthy diet that I set about my mission of bringing the benefits of this wonderful herb to the world.
Because it was only through the use of seamoss, a healthy diet, and three years of ability based exercise, that I gained and have been able to maintain an active the active lifestyle of a millennial mother and grandmother.  Who now sports a svelte figure weighing in at 190lbs.

As I stated earlier...
It is because of my experiences of pain, dejection, disillusionment, depression,my subsequent and continued victory over these demons that we all face that I have had the calling to share the path of inclusive health and wellness with everyone I can.
With that in mind, I would like to invite you to explore the full range of SeaMossya health and wellness products.
(Including our PAIN SPRAY)

(All results and testimonials are my own.
Or products are not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your physician before and during the use of any supplement.)