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SeaMossya LLC

Trio Bundle #2

Regular price $92.98 USD
Regular price Sale price $92.98 USD
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Get Mossed Up!!!

*Contain abundance of minerals your body is made of * Aid with diabetes * Aid with joint support * Aid with dissolving phlegm in the mucus membrane * Supports brain and heart health * Supports gut health * Help with painful menstrual cramps * Improves metabolism * Improves libido * Appetite suppressant

16 oz. STRAWBERRY SEAMOSS * Improves immune functioning *Treats symptoms of arthritis and gout *Offers protection against cancer * Promotes healthy eyesight * Regulates blood sugar * Lower risk of stroke * Helps regulates mood

16 oz. ELDERBERRY SEAMOSS* Enhance the immune function by boosting the production of cytokines * Help relieve nasal congestion * Anti-Inflammatory * Anti-Viral * Treats respiratory illnesses such as cold and flu * High in vitamin A, B, C, and potassium * Natural support for arthritis

Take 1-3 Tablespoons of seamoss daily for optimum results. Add to your smoothies, teas, juices, stews, shelf life 30 days. Freeze and use as ice cubes shelf life 3 months. Face mask: Apply to face and neck and leave on until it dries and rinse.

DISCLAIMER We are not doctors, nurses, nor do we have any professional, medical, or culinary certification. The information on our website and social media has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

Consult with your Doctor before consuming if you take blood thinners, are pregnant or nursing to avoid any allergic reactions. If you have any health conditions or concerns, please contact your physician or health care provider.