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SeaMossya LLC

Super Maca Root Capsules 1600mg

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Maca Root is a  sacred medicinal root vegetable that grows only in the remote mountain region of Junin in Peru above an altitude of 3500m.There are many health benefits of maca, it is known to increase energy, vitality and prevent adrenal fatigue, it balances hormones, improves thyroid function and metabolism and is a natural antidepressant that can assist with anxiety and mental health. It can improve fertility in men and women. Maca can increase libido and sexual function in men and women, increase bone density and strength, improve prostate function in men, and improve mental focus, memory, cognition, and boost athletic performance. It is an all-round body balancer and builds resilience to manage stress. 

Results have shown:









Boost energy

Low sperm count

Hormone balancer

Adrenal gland function

Mental and physical vitality

High in potassium and calcium

Increase libido in both men and women

2 Capsules daily
800 milligrams Vegan Capsules

DISCLAIMER We are not doctors, nurses, nor do we have any professional, medical, or culinary certification. The information on our website and social media has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

Consult with your Doctor before consuming if you take blood thinners, are pregnant or nursing to avoid any allergic reactions. If you have any health conditions or concerns, please contact your physician or health care provider.